Posts Tagged ‘corruption


How US elections are rigged via software manipulation

Watch this and take in the implications:!

No comment is necessary…


The new Priesthood: subsidised experts

At least since the Babylonian mystery schools, the length of human history is rife with examples of organised religions and their priesthoods collaborating closely with rulers for the organisation and control of a social consensus amongst the people, in order to corral them into viewpoints that would maintain the status quo, keep them working hard for a pittance and remove or stigmatise any desire for dissent, rebellion against more privileged classes or even improving their lot in life. These religious institutions would happily do so in exchange for a respected position in the state and social heirarchy, the right to tax a percentage of the people’s livelihood, and own their own land upon which they would build special awe-inspiring buildings. These religious institutions were characterised by large numbers of devout, well-meaning workers who would try their best to reconcile the interpretation of their dogma with the politics and aims of their superiors and the common-sense of the people they were “spiritually guiding”. Over time this was perfected so much that both the priests and their flocks would develop mental automatisms to reconfigure “on the fly” information recieved from just about any source so it would fit in with their beliefs. The opposite rarely occured, as any ideas contrary to the current interpretation of dogma would be strongly – often violently – resisted,  thus encouraging a very robust form of “socio-political correctness”. This has kept many countries in a stranglehold for large parts of their history, stifling creativity, innovation and progress. At the worst, it has led to crusades, inquisitions or Jihads responsible for the deaths of many, many innocents.

Over the last couple of centuries organised religions have taken considerable hits on their credibility and lost a lot of their previous influence on the beliefs of many peoples around the globe. This has resulted in a void waiting to be filled. By it’s very nature, power in any form cannot exist unless supported by subsidiary groups that execute it’s agendas and provide public demonstrations to prove to the people how essential their masters are for continued existence, comfort and security.

So for many people, the evolution of scientific discovery has eroded their belief in strange gods, cults and superstitions, and they have turned their attention away from priests and scriptures, towards scientists, researchers and their institutions, hoping that these people would reveal the secrets of reality and contribute to the common good through their careful and painstaking work. The structures of contemporary power having changed, shifting from the leadership of geographicaly limited areas by small groups of people to widely dispersed political and financial trans-national entities that can formulate policy for entire continents, or own the finances of entire sectors of the economy woldwide, results in much greater opportunities, money, and influence for organisations or people of any stripe that put themselves under their protective wing in exchange for aligning their own goals with the objectives of their masters. It seems unfortunately that many scientists have been attracted by the same material things that seduced religious institutions into working so closely with power before, and in many areas are now perfoming the same functions of coralling wiewpoints, creating consensus aligned with political expediency, stigmatising dissent, and creating dogmas to justify the policies of their masters. In exchange they are provided with status, land on which to build awe-inspiring buildings, ressources, and a portion of the people’s taxes, doled out in many forms (grants, subsidies, etc…). Notice the similarities with the priesthoods of old ?

A good current example of this can be seen in the current WHO scandal involving corruption and fraud, where numerous scientists are being investigated because of funds recieved from big pharma companies that would have (and have had) an immense direct financial gain if a pandemic was declared. The power structure in question – the private curiously named World Health Organization – has attained after years of effort the capacity to force hundreds of countries around the world to act in concert if certain health criteria – defined by itself of course – were met. In this case, the “priesthood” were so keen on helping their contributors, they actually changed the definition of a “pandemic” to be able to classify the swine-flu outbreaks under this heading, thus allowing them to legally force countries around the world to spend huge fortunes on enacting a series of national emergency preparations, including buying billions of dollars worth of badly tested and largely ineffective vaccines produced by companies that both directly and indirectly keep the WHO and it’s initiates supplied with financing.

Here is an excellent summary of the current pseudo-pandemic rout by people who are good at “following the money”

Another good example of the same trend is shown with the “climategate” scandal, where it seems the IPCC top dogs were willing to go to any length, including falsifying data, obstructing scientific debate, designing biased computer models and fraudulent graphs, in a most unscientific attempt to convince everyone about their beliefs and destroy any other viewpoints. Whether global warming is happening or not, this kind of behaviour completely opposes so many principles that “good science” is based on, it is not suprising they have blasted their credibility for many people ! I am sure they would have never gone to such risky lengths if they were not closely entwined with a giant financial network that stands to gain billions through the implementation of the new carbon economy all over the world. I have noticed that alongside the global financial mess, many powerful groups are transforming themselves into vectors of the “green economy” in order to continue raking in millions while wearing a “holier than thou” cloth and pretending to be selfless saviours of humanity. Maybe they are hoping to avoid the grizzly fate that might be awaiting their banker brethren if a majority becomes aware of the depths of larceny (er, stealing many times over the value of the world’s economy in less than a century…) they have sunk to.

Somehow the carbon credit system reminds me of Church “Indulgencies” sold so rich sinners could buy their way back into paradise….

For an overview of some the companies desperately fighting for the moral high ground while making a buck  try the IETA site.

As an end note: In the same way medaeval town criers would never shout out news going against the will of the monarch or the local religion – or be out of a job pretty quick – contemporary media seem to toe the line or simply not report the most important facts when “informing” people about both international power structures or the groups that serve them, unless someone involved has screwed up so massively that there is no way they can avoid it. Even then there are numerous methods to distort truth, misdirect public questioning, produce absurd theories to discredit serious information or whitewash sensitive material. When the news they carry is produced by especially credible/powerful organisations, they have even less reason to do anything but parrot what they have been told. Real, no-holds barred investigative journalism seems to be relegated to the web these days.

Expect more encyclicals from the new priesthoods soon – and maybe an “ordo inquisitoris” will be knocking on your door soon to check your green lightbulbs (you know: the bulbs responsible for thousands of mercury poisoning deaths and the ruining of an entire water table in China under the factories producing them…)

Luckily, burning at the stake is not very carbon friendly in this neo-feudal world ! They will have to find something else…


Bailout money spent on cluster bombs – EU taxes spent on “golden shower”

I thought I would have a quick look around at the innovative ways our government “leaders” and international financiers were finding to invest all the money we have given them to sort out our many woes. So what notable items have hit the press in the last week or so ?

Let’s start with all that bailout money… You know, in Europe the three trillion Euros that were given to banks over the last couple of years that were supposed to stimulate loans, etc… to restart the economy. Well, not only have banks refrained from making loans more accessible to the little people – quite the contrary in fact – they have used most of the bailout money to buy other weaker banks, thus consolidating power across the whole financial sector, giving them even more powerful monopolies to exploit more effectively the rest of us. Vast sums have been spent on buying real estate and businesses at rock-bottom recession prices all over Europe and the US. Huge assets and ressources have changed hands the world over and are owned by a smaller and smaller group of oligarchs, while, as usual, the people at the bottom of the social scale are left with barely the shirts on their backs.

Just to add insult to injury – and later injury to insult – the world’s biggest banks have just loaned 20 billion to weapons manufacturers to build cluster bombs ! These horrendous weapons are in the process of being banned because they result in the deaths of far more women and children than enemy soldiers, due to their propensity to lie around waiting to be stepped on for decades after being dropped – they are extensively used by all of our “peacemongering” powers because not only do they slaughter “soft targets” when dropped, they also act as a minefield until cleared through a lengthy and dangerous process. They cause many infant deaths and disabilities because they look like pretty colourful ping-pong balls, so kids pick them up, usually losing at least an arm in the process. Soon to be used in a neighbourhood near you…

According to this Oxfam report, irresponsible arms sales are so prevalent and destructive to developing countries that the result is them not attaining their development goals, thus staying in absolute poverty and continuing to be a burden on the international community.

More absolute proof that these entities will in no way help humanity evolve towards a civilised and advanced civilisation, from it’s current thinly disguised feudal state, as long as they can make billions from death, suffering and control.

We are currently told that by installing vast bureaucracies in the US and Europe will be the cure-all for all our problems, that the vast sums of money amassed by these institutions allow them to act on the macro-scale for the benefit of all, and keep the banks in line while they are at it. Unfortunately the numbers seem to contradict them very regularly. The EU for example, that from the very beginning has used vast amounts of tax payer’s money to promote it’s own existance (illegal for a political party in any country, but the EU is above the law, because now it IS the law !) seems to have a history of squandering public funds. Take, for example the latest scandal in France, where a previous president is up for massive corruption as a backdrop, and the current “Emperor Sarko” has just been caught wasting millions of EU funds, including 250,000 pounds sterling on a “presidential shower” he never even used…

How can anyone believe for one minute that these soulless, self-serving parasites can help us at all ? The world is in need of societal and economic change of an extreme nature in order to avoid a new Dark Ages and neo-feudalism that these organisations are all pushing us into with gleeful enthusiam.

The simplest solutions (that will not be implemented of course by them) to keep these modern day ogres in check:

– Create a “citizen oversight” body – including a training structure – with a pool of anonymous auditors allocated randomly to ALL the different organisms, banks, NGO’s etc and regularly rotated to avoid corruption. Fully using internet and database technology, such a body could be set up very fast. Many jobs would be created as a side effect…

– Introduce a global “ethics tax” (everything else is taxed – why is a Tobin tax resisted so adamantly ?). Simply put, when the oversight body determines a bank loan is being given for destructive reasons (armament, etc…) it should incur a massive tax, to compensate the destruction of ressources, society and progress. In a similar way, projects that are determined to be totaly positive for humanity should receive tax breaks and even subsidies or free credit – payed for by the previous tax.

The result would be a reversal of the current ethics of money. Benefitting mankind and the planet would be rewarded and lead to huge profits. Death and destruction could still be meeted out by those that revel in it, but it would be a hell of a lot harder for the psychopaths to generate a profit from their fun !

So voila ! Don’t let anyone tell me that the solutions to most of our global problems are not simple and cheap – it is the will to apply them for the benefit of the general public that is totaly lacking.

Our current economic system is so destructive, costly in human and environmental terms, and downright evil, we can hardly do worse !

Hence my call to start a global peaceful insurgency movement to pressure the big boys into doing something benevolent for a change – if they are actually capable of it – something I’m starting to doubt. Otherwise they’ll have to go…


Web-Bot forecasts global financial collapse and revolution

I’ve always thought that the internet, if used in an intelligent way, could be a tool for understanding part of the human unconsciousness, at least that of the subculture that has the money for a computer and the literacy to write something – This does unfortunately exclude many other subcultures completely who don’t happen to fulfill these criteria and tend to get totaly forgotten by everyone these days, and whose own collective unconsciousness has few ways of interacting with the world via modern technology, but at least we can get a better grasp on the inner worlds of the masses of computer users that populate the web  – most of the industrialised world and it’s activities.

A group of linguists and computer scientists who have pushed this approach to the extreme are those responsible for the Web-Bot project. For those of you who have never heard of it their Web-Bot is a very complex and ambitious program involving millions of “bots” that scour the net daily; I’ll try to explain my understanding of it: They put out requests for the bots to scan for various theme words that appear with high frequency, and the bots grab any text found anywhere on the net that contains the theme, keeping words preceding and following the theme word. Those then get filtered, categorized and counted, with the result being a list of associations with the theme word, in order of occurence, with dates, etc. This they have engineered into a kind of forecast system, not of the absolute future, but of a combination of human expectations and all the real data, news etc. that resides on the web in any shape or form.

The system is far from perfect, and has some known drawbacks, but does very well forecasting very big, worldwide events, and events that depend on a lot of web based data.

So, seeing all the Doom and Gloom currently circulating throughout the trend research community, from LEAP predicting global systemic crisis to Gerald Celente pronouncing “the first shots in the second American revolution have been fired”, I thought I would get the mighty Web-Bot’s take on our near future. I was not disappointed ! Quite a read !

The Web-Bot’s forecasts, and the interpretations of the Web-Bot team are extremely alarming – they seem to have evolved considerably in their outlook on the world since they started making stock market forecasts twelve years ago.

I think I detect just a touch of cynicism in their reports…

Amongst other things they forecast within the next two years (!):

– The imminent collapse of the dollar, followed by most of the global financial system (by late October the markets should show some serious wobble…)

– Epidemics from laborotary originated diseases AND the vaccinations used to treat them

– Mass refusal of obligatory vaccination

– Global famine – the worst in memory

– Riots, “refuseniks”, revolts, lawlessness

– Numerous assassinations of members of the oligarchy, their underlings, and even TV & media personalities representing their interests

– Insurrection against the elite in the US, that eventually goes global, when many revelations about the extent of their nefarious activities emerge (whistleblower and “save my skin” epidemic)

– New forms of insurrection eschewing violence, but many other violent groups

– Intensification of earthquakes and freak weather, winds, floods, “life threatening moments” – human migration from coastal areas

– big problems with the global fisheries – rapid die-off of many fish

– Creation of alternative markets, black markets

– Disasterous attack of Israel on Iran, leading to lethal global fallout after a nuclear “accident”

– Isreal being very surprised by Iranian (+ allies) defences and being vitrified by atomics

– In 2010, mansions and palaces of the wealthy will be burned down. Symbols of corporate power will be attacked by mobs

– The Vatican, suspected of storing food, will be burned and looted by hungry mobs (apparently a lot of linguistic fire references in our future !) after using gas or chemical weapons in defence

– collapse of many forms of infrastructure

– Attempts at restricting movement and martial law by governments that fail fairly fast, but after a lot of casualties

– Succesful long term sustainable “breakaway civilization” movements that simply step away from society to make their own

– Big, terminal problems for our Governments that are forced to clean up their act or be replaced

…and a litany of other hootin’ tootin’, rock n’rolling, earth shaking, paradigm shifting, planet busting stuff !

One point they dwell on and return to often is the revelation of the extent of the evil activities of our psychopathic elites by whistleblowers, betrayals, backstabbing, etc… Well, anyone reading this Blog will know what I think of that. ‘Bout bloody time !

And that’s even before you get to the “SpaceGoatFarts” section where the Web-Bot project dumps all the strange linguistic artefacts that don’t fit in anywhere else, or that are otherwise beyond the pale. Here apparently we should expect contact with aliens good and bad, on and off-planet, with hostile acts on both sides – starting with NASA trying to bomb the moon ! Dammit, Fox Mulder was right…

A word of warning before freaking out: there is a “built in error toward the most extreme connotations available in language and trend interpretation.” “The information presented uses words that presume the worst-case for future manifestation of the collective unconsciousness” say the Web-Bot team.

Unfortunately Web-Bot has correctly predicted many large scale events in the past well before they happened, and the worst case scenario came to pass: both 9-11 and the current economic crash amongst other things.

If a quarter of their forecast occurs, even to a lesser degree, we are in for the wildest – and most dangerous – times in our lives.

Just in case the Web-Bot is right, maybe we should start thinking of ways of attenuating the more extreme events now. I for one, will discourage any form of violent revolution (except in self-defence, of course) – there are so many more intelligent forms of civil disobedience that are far more effective; I think Ghandi proved that. So if people out there want to kick over the sand castle, please think carefully about what you are doing – and the consequences – first. Violence attracts repression like a magnet so is counter productive. Besides, it seems there will be easily enough violence to go around anyway.

See you soon; I’m off back to my (breakaway civilisation)


Poison the planet and make the victims pay – Political Ponerology or the genesis of evil

I have been looking into industrial chemicals and their toxicity for some time, and yesterday decided to do a little experiment to check a sneaking suspicion. As usual the whole thing ended up going a lot further…

Poisoning the Planet

I wandered around my house making a list of items picked completely at random from every room, kitchen to bathroom (even including some food, drink, cosmetics, ornaments, gadgets, decorations, gifts; you name it… I then divided the list of objects into two groups: those that were produced by an old traditional method: craftsman, individual or artist on one side – so this included everything from pottery to ornaments, to a cheese, a bottle of wine, hand-made clothes, wooden furniture etc to make list A and then into list B went all the things that were industrially designed and mass produced – this included things like packaged foods, sauces, all cosmetics, cleaning products and soaps, gadgets, computers, “Ikea” style furniture, even carpets. I then took each item on both lists and examined it’s ingredients or components for… toxicity !

After a bit of research and some internet searches I made two more lists: toxic and non-toxic, putting all the items containing plastics that reduce fertility, molecules that damage the brain or nervous system, heavy metals that slowly poison you, etc into one list and all the products that contained virtually no toxins or none at all into the other.

It became shockingly obvious first of all that the list of household items containing nasty ingredients was far longer than the “safe item” list, and secondly, a large number of the items on random list A were non-toxic  whereas every single industrially designed, mass produced item on my random list B was on the “toxic/poisonous” list – every single item contained some form of environmentally unfriendly molecule or health imparing toxin – usually quite a few… Even clingfilm wrap used on supermarket food is not exempt, containing petrochemicals that impair fertility and slowly poison you. The worst item was an old computer stuffed with a scary number of toxic, environmentaly disasterous components, but a lot of cosmetics and bathroom items were pretty high on the list too. It seems that things you put on your skin (especially women, with men being the dogs that they are) every day are pretty nasty; full of petrochemicals that cause nerve & brain damage, cancer, spinal damage, etc.

It’s startling to discover that you are washing your hair and cleaning your teeth with products that are also used as anti-freeze, engine degreasers and solvents !

Now, this is when my blood starts to boil and my “caustic paranoid” analysis system wants to leap into the situation and devour it’s prey !

How come for most of human history people have made things for each other either for trade or some form of community or family service, without having to include enviro-toxins and poisons for free with every product, except on rare occasions when total ignorance was involved – mad hatters and mercury comes to mind, as do Romans and their lead piping ? What has changed in our contemporary society that obliges our globalised, commitee designed, mass produced stuff to be so bad for the environment and ourselves ? Especially as we do not have the excuse of ignorance – most petrochemical or other synthetics and molecules have been studied to death by our military-industrial complex decades ago, and the effects of nearly every one thoroughly understood.

It seems that as every year passes, as more and more of the “old fashioned craftsmen” and their “outdated methods” dissappear, and more small family businesses are replaced by ever-merging, ever huger corporations, the products our society becomes inundated with become more and more toxic and dangerous. The evidence surrounds us and is staggering.

I can think of several reasons:

To start with small local businesses and craftsmen in the vast majority of cases previously had a personal relationship with their customers, so had to take complaints directly. Have you ever tried to complain to Unilever or Nestlé because you think their products are poisoning your kids ? The process isn’t quite as simple as it used to be… Who benefits from the change ? Certainly not the customer.

Add to that the modus operandi of corporate “culture”, where everything revolves around the “bottom line” and while presenting a PR reinforced facade of ethical behaviour for the public, only practice ethics in their business if it is profitable. If it is cheaper – including legal costs if they get caught – to get something done in an unethical or even illegal way, then a big corporation will probably go for it – as long as the bottom line is maintained at all costs. I witnessed this personally years back, working for a branch of Pepsi co. and at another time for Total Fina Elf. Both companies maintained a carefuly smiling facade while getting up to corporate practices of a cynicism and (for Elf) disdain for the rule of law – and human life – that were pretty shocking for me, youngster that I was in the world of internationalised evil. I won’t go into what they were up to here – maybe in another post once I’ve checked with a lawyer. These days they can poison humanity and get away with it, but if you accuse them the wrong way you can get into a lot of trouble !

The reason my blood boils is that fewer and fewer people end up owning more and more of the world every year – in 2008 there were 793 Billionnaires with a combined worth of $ 2,400,000,000,000 – far more than the combined worth of the three billion poorest people on the planet (Forbes) – and these mega rich tend to be the ones owning all these vast globalised industries that produce poisonous products to sell to the rest of us. Not only does this not seem to bother them, but if you look around you find many papers and publications produced over the last 100 years actually advocating the practice in the name of depopulation, or other Malthusian or Fabian ideologies. I think those are just polite pretexts to, as the Dead Kennedys band would put it: Kill, kill, kill the poor !”

Political Ponerology

If you want to push things even further, far from mentioning some conspiracy theory – though they abound – I would encourage everyone to read a highly thought-provoking book – almost mind-blowing – called Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski. This amazing book, suppressed for over 50 years, first by the communists, then the Vatican, and last by Brzezinski himself before eventually breaking out into the light of day is the result of decades of research by a team of Polish scientists on psychopaths and their effect as a group on society. I will go into it in depth in another post – I might even devote a special page to the subject, it’s so important. But for a good list of quotes in the mean time, look here.

It’s not very surprising the Communists, the Vatican and Brzezinski were so worried about a book describing how a certain category of psychopaths were supremely equipped psychologicaly to rise fast to the top positions in society, which they would then dominate, and transform slowly into entire institutions with psychopathic deviant behaviour, despite the fact that psychopaths only represent 4-6% of the population ? And the more repressive and irrational the culture, the more people undergo the stresses and pressures that can “push them over the edge” and make them imitate psychopathic behaviour patterns or “go psycho” themselves. A very viscious circle. Very visible too, these days !

What characterises a psychopath ? Total lack of feeling for another person’s emotions – they seem to lack the part of the brain enabling any form of empathy – this allows them to become pitiless masters of manipulation – a very important aspect of hardcore psychos – and capable of inflicting huge pain, killing or causing many deaths without feeling the slightest guilt or remorse. Most of them don’t even understand the concept of guilt or remorse except as an expoitable weakness in their victims. They also learn early to hide extremely well their lack of empathy by simulating emotions they observe, which gives many of them a great capacity for charm – until you get to know them better, or become a victim to their games. Disturbingly, many psychopaths are completely aware of their condition and resent their small numbers compared to the rest of humanity. Apparently most psychopaths are capable of recognising another psychopath almost instantly. Now that must help with the networking !

A psychopath is either born with cerebral lesions (often congenital), is brain-damaged after birth (accident, chemical exposure, drugs, etc…) or survives extreme physical or psychological pressure (torture, sexual abuse, etc..)by effectively suppressing the most human part of his personality definitively. It seems that when one doesn’t use the parts of the brain related to empathy and emotions for a while, they wither away.

One would think that the top positions of our governments, banks and corporations would be ideal for such deviants, where they can make decisions affecting and manipulating multitudes, order the deaths of huge numbers of people without batting an eyelid, and generally get a rush playing with the lives of the ants… And just getting to that position requires so much back-stabbing ! What fun !

It would also go towards explaining why they decide, out of a vast array of materials and chemicals available, to choose the subtely toxic ones for the mass produced products we use every day. I would like someone to find a better explanation. Even the bottom line argument has it’s limits when you see that some dangerous ingredients of household products actually cost more than their safe counterparts.

The book is compellingly written, the evidence almost irrefutable – even down to brain lesions that are found in extreme psychopaths that also occur in the brains of a certain class of politician or corporate leader, or the documented influence of a psychopath in a position of authority that attracts other psychopaths of a lesser stripe, and even worse, forces normal people in the vicinity to emulate sociopathic behaviour in order to survive. Then you have entire societies run by psychopaths, where sick behaviour becomes the norm enforced by the police and army, who become themselves considerably disturbed through an “entrainment” effect.

Reminds me of a day in the office – in the days when I was in an office.

Remember the Nazis, the Stazi, the Stalinist purges, or the Shah’s regime ? Extreme cases but far from isolated…

The scientists who wrote the book lived through the harshest years of communism, and studied the behaviour and actual brains of many nasty officials and political leaders, as well as a lot of criminals and psychopaths. It is quite frightening when many of the factors used in the book to recognise a psychopathocracy are currently present in many governments around the world, nearly all multinational corporations and in global institutions…

So what happens when you have a bunch of hugely wealthy and powerful psychopaths lording it over the more human majority of the population (we’re not brain damaged, remember ?…).

You just have to open the newspaper to bear witness to the disaster.

One problem psychopathocracies have is that often people are recruited to positions of importance for their psychopathic characteristics and not their actual talent at whatever they are supposed to be doing, which leads to huge inefficiency and irrational, often dangerous situations for the multitudes of citizens unlucky enough to bear the brunt of their decisions.

Terrorism ? Global Warming ? Epidemics ? These pose minimal danger compared to the daily activities of psychopaths in power that happily play the games that start the wars, financial collapses and other societal disasters that effect our lives irreversibly. Not to mention the permanent psychological damage caused to entire populations by their depredations. They are really laughing at getting the general populace to pay for their environmental damage, financial and social parasitism, and genocidal wars. We ignorantly foot the bill every time…

In the same way you judge a tree by it’s fruits, you can judge a society by it’s products.

I think we should have mandatory testing for psychopathic tendencies for everyone in any kind of position of authority. Some very good tests exist – lie detectors do not work on a psychopath. Until that is done, there is a daily growing movement around the world that will point out their every abuse, manipulation or mistake on every kind of media until the situation becomes clear for enough people to change it.

And who knows, just doing that might change the world.


Healthy food will be made illegal on December 31, 2009

As part of their worldwide power grab and multi-spectrum assault on humanity at the behest of our lovely benevolent global elites, the NGO mammoths – unfortunately far from extinction – WHO and UN created the “Codex Alimentarius Commision” in 1963, in order to ensure the worldwide implementation and policing of universal diet control. Like many other organisations that have almost no oversight (except sometimes by other NGO’s or foundations with vested interests and no oversight themselves) big business took over shortly after the right players were put in control of the commission, and the Codex Alimentarius (CA) guidelines rapidly became a really nasty set of rules favouring corporate profits over the wellbeing of the masses – in fact going so far as proposing rules that will guarantee bad health for all to keep big Pharma happy ! The Codex will be implemented worldwide (at least, in 180 odd countries) on December 31, 2009 unless there is enough legal resistance from the many concerned professionals.

I’ve been reading up on this for a while – there is plenty of info out there because so many nutritionists and therapists of all stripes are utterly flabergasted about the sheer gall these NGOs have in dictating insane behaviour to the world that will – with absolute certainty – reduce significantly the health of the entire human race while benefitting hugely big Pharma and GM food giants.

Here is a good summary of the situation:

I encourage everyone to do their own research on this…

Nutrients classified as toxins ??? Vitamins and minerals removed from food ??? Information on nutrition to be suppressed ??? Irradiation for all foods not locally grown ??? Mandated growth hormone for all cows worldwide ??? Vitamin supplements to be legally limited to tiny ineffective doses… Excuse me, but WTF is this madness ?????

If they had passed this law a few years ago, I would probably be dead, because I survived catching SARS by using massive doses of organic vitamin C (and a bit of vitamin D alongside); in fact I have recovered from 95% of my health problems over my life by boosting my immune system one way or another using healthy means – not any form of chemical medecine.

Many of the directives of CA ban any possibility – actually make it illegal in most cases – of taking care of one’s own health and enforce the synthetic molecular solutions of the pharmaceutical groups while effectively banning a whole bushel of healthy solutions. I’m not at all against people taking chemical medecine when they have a life-threatening disease, but people should be warned that in traditional chinese medecine diagnostics we have found that every synthetic molecule that enters a person affects negatively the liver and kidneys and lowers fertility over time, whatever other effects it has. And there are many, many natural solutions to most ailments out there for anyone willing to do a bit of research.

Well I guess anyone who didn’t believe in the capacity for such organisations to promulgate pure evil will wake up and smell the coffee this time – if the mainstream media actually ends up telling anyone anything truthful about it.

I find it remarkable how a similar modus operandi seems to apply to most of the areas of human need. A “high and mighty” NGO steps in to “help the needy” in whatever area, thus filling a space that sincerely benevolent individuals might have otherwise occupied – and done some real good – and immediately proceeds to be as inefficient and damaging as possible in whatever area they have injected themselves into with a maximum public display of arrogance and the “moral high ground” to provide a smokescreen. I’ve run into NGOs big and small, all over the world and it seems the only 100% honest devoted ones are the kind set up by naive university students – I’ve worked with a few of them and they are easily many times more efficient , cost effective and useful than the big boys despite having tiny ressources. I’ve caught out the others doing everything from fraud and kickbacks to government to eliminate private competition (a lot of that in Asia), to prostitution and human trafficking (remember the UN prostitution rings in ex-yugoslavia ?)

I’ll post in more detail about NGO corruption sometime – it’s not edifying and people should know what these gangs are up to. They include the World Bank and IMF…

I might add that in the contemporary world, NGO’s have more lobbying power on our governments than any amount of voters, and by pretending to represent other people’s interests have an impact on legislation and government action that completely bypasses the democratic process.

People have been conditioned into believing NGOs are good, independant, apolitical bodies when nothing could be farther from the truth. They are often merely fronts for the vested interests of huge foundations, financial groups or wealthy clans. I have sat at a “Save the Children” auction gala dinner in Hong Kong with all the rich and famous clique where manifestly most of the money donated by good caring people went into paying for an absolutely lavish gourmet feast with the finest wines and foods in one of the most expensive venues in HK, for the organisers, their cronies and all their friends. They even hired expensive actors to pretend to be their “humanitarian workers” and spew emotionaly charged stories about the poor children of Africa hoping to raise more money for their parties. Needless to say, it didn’t go down very well when, sitting at a delicacy-laden table with the organisers, I mentioned that any money I wanted to donate would be used more effectively by me buying a plane ticket to a troubled third world country and giving cash directly to the people who would use it in the best way. The return trip would waste a lot less money than their so-called “infrastructure” and maybe more than 2% of the money might end up spent on the poor people it was intended for…

As a final note, I would like to mention two NGOs that are responsible for more deaths this century than just about any other organisation: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that most Americans mistakenly think is part of their government, and  the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) that guides British foreign policy.

And people wonder why voting never changes anything….


The latest joke buzzword in Finance: oversight

Don’t you get a fuzzy warm feeling too when the word “oversight” is used several times in the same soundbite from some polititian or economist ? It sounds reassuring that some important sounding body is being given the job of watching over our great and grimy financial institutions…

Unfortunately, the bigger the bank, the less the oversight.

If anyone out there still doubts how little oversight exists over the banks that hold the entire finances of powerful countries in their hands, here is a video of  the Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing of May 5, 2009

It would seem incredible, almost funny video if this was not the future debt of countless generations of americans that is being dealt with in such an arrogant, opaque way.

It seems to add insult to injury the federal Reserve is even making interest on the tax payer money used to bail out it’s own institutions.

No wonder US gun shops have broken all their records selling more ammunition over the last few months to american citizenry than ever in history…

Well, it is about time this vampiric system got changed, but it would be nice if it could be done in a peaceful, sensible way rather than the usual bloodbath.

To cut years of world-wide agony short maybe confiscating the assets of everyone involved at the top levels, investing the money in alternative energy and putting all big money wall street types to work replanting the amazon would be a good idea. Unfortunately our governments represent their interests and not ours, so they will prefer to let the world economy collapse, throw everyone in the West into debt-slavery from birth, and starve the third world to death. Sound improbable ? It’s happening as I speak…

The elite probably think they don’t need us peasants any more anyway, at least in such numbers – after all, since the “post war dream” we have developped science and technology enough already for them to all live in health and luxury from now on, with a few servants and all the cheap technology money can buy – the rest of us can be plunged into an impoverished dark ages.

But in stride with the “normalising the unthinkable” process, chipping away at humanity’s very essence, I’m sure a lot of people would ignorantly help them achieve that unspeakable end.


Corrupt MPs are the consequence of an anti-democratic system

With the amount of stuff going on out there at the moment I hardly know where to start ! So while I work out what to write on for the next post, here’s an article to get your teeth into:

There are not many journalists out there who really say it how it is, even when faced with the blatantly obvious, which explains why a lot of people are so unaware of most of the real issues behind our current era of crisis. The few journalists that do have their good days and bad and sometimes miss the mark but they make a refreshing difference.

In this article Pilger points something very important thet has been happening in British politics for years but has been pretty muched “glossed over” by distracting people’s attention to other things, namely that the two main British political parties have converged into a “single ideology business state” with almost identical social, economic and foreign policies. This, locally and globally, is the source of most of our current woes.

He mentions “normalising the unthinkable” in relation to Blair, who deceived Britain into breaking international law and committing horrendous war crimes and genocide while being promoted by the media and rewarded with prizes for his “peace” work – at the same time pocketing huge checks from big oil for services rendered… but he only scratches the surface of that dark and twisty path; after all we live in a society where a majority watch people being murdered on screen in order to relax;  where children are taught to emulate psychopathic and exploitative behaviour in schools and whose only provided role models are selfish, vain and vacuous human beings; where powerful nations pull their enemies up for war crimes while breaking international law repeatedly themselves invading countries using pretexted casus belli and massacring millions of innocent civilians – with the “PR” help of a vastly complicit media; the list goes on and on about the things we rational, supposedly ethical people tolerate without thinking twice – or is that the Orwelian “doublethink” that has already caught us in it’s foul grasp: the capacity to maintain two absurdly conflicting truths in one’s head at the same time in a sort of unquestioned limbo ?

So if the politicians, bankers, etc have managed to pull the wool over our eyes so well and pillage our society so effectively, it is not just their fault, but ours too, for tolerating the intolerable, and compromising when a stand should have been made time after time. Add to that the naivety of thinking that all the really important information we need to ensure a good life will be brought to us on a plate at a time when money, power and media go hand-in-hand (hint: not yours) and information provides the “edge” that ensures their success.

Maybe a large part of it is emulation, where we all unconsciously accept as “normal” the behaviour of the richest and most powerful among us, however depraved and evil. We are social animals to a certain extent, so perhaps blinders kick in automaticaly when our critical thinking should be screaming injustice, in order to protect our position in the group. After all, what does a pack of wolves know about ethics ? I would hope we evolved beyond that at some point.

It seems like those that control money, power and media are symbiotic towards each other and parasitic to the rest of us. Many parasites kill their hosts if not dealt with in time so we had better watch out !

I hope I can share Mr. Pilger’s optimism about the British people.

Hmm, that gives me a few ideas for my next posts…


Sex, booze…. and government grants

As a small example of the differences of perception between the East and the West here is the kind of story that would be the joke of the month in Asia if any newspaper dared publish it. It’s already silly enough as it is but I’ll explain what the Asian take on it would be:

So you thought that was ridiculous ?

If the Chinese government (or any other Asian institution) dared to fund a project with this kind of set up people would be crying “corruption !”, “aiding and abetting ciminals !”; “financing the Triads !” “institutional cronyism !” etc…

Not to mention “scandalous waste of public money !”

And here’s why:

In China 99% of prostitution is run by the Triads (asian mafias). A great majority of the “commercial sex venues” are also run by the Triads. The “gatekeepers” mentioned in the article (a lovely politicaly correct word for “pimps”) are also usually Triads, or join pretty fast if they don’t want to end up trying to swim out of a river with a truck axle tied to their feet or be chopped into a thousand pieces with meat cleavers (called the “thousand cuts” punishment – charming !)

So what the NIAA is doing here is effectively giving researchers tax payers money for several years in a row to hang around in seedy – but expensive – Karaoke bars with prostitutes while obviously buying drinks and “other services” from the establishment – “Field observation”  they call it… Having been dragged into a few myself in the past by Asian businessmen I can guarantee that you do not get into these places without spending some money, even if you are a five star PLA general – In fact as a member of an institution you would be expected to spend more or “da boyz” might throw you out. In addition, time is money for Triads, so spending time with any girl(s), whether for filling out a questionnaire, a chat or any sexual fantasy that happens to be going through your head, costs money.

So 95% of the money spent in these places by the “researchers” will end up in Triad hands.

In addition to that, if the girls drink it is for several reasons:

1/ They get a cut on every drink bought for them by a customer. No amount of education will stop this happening; for a lot of them “lady drink” money is half or more of their income.

2/ For the younger, inexperienced girls drinking helps to break down their inhibitions, allowing them to attract custom more easily – and forget all the nasty experiences they could have…

3/ The older girls are often alcoholics for the previous two reasons.

So could a government program change anything ? Not no. 1 because the girl’s income depends on it. Not no. 2 because it’s a psychological necessity – unless the US government want’s to give all prostitutes a free supply of Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB) or Ketamine Hydrochloride (all date rape drugs) – but that wouldn’t be very ethical if you ask me… And not no. 3 because the best way to change those girls habits is to get them off “the game” and back into their familes or into rehab ! But we wouldn’t want that – the “researchers” would be out of a job and might have to actually do something productive… and the Chinese government certainly wouldn’t want meddling Americans damaging their tourist trade !

And if you think all that is nuts, read the report on the 400,000 $ being spent by the american NIH on researching the links between gay sex and alcohol on bars in Argentina (!):

After all, in this day and age, we have nothing better to blow large amounts of money on after all !

Maybe these are all just bogus programs designed to compensate government employees for “services rendered” with exotic holidays far from tax payer scrutiny… It does make one wonder !

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