Posts Tagged ‘WHO


Are the big medical companies going to be the death of us all ?

With all the current fuss about pandemics, emerging diseases and Big Pharma practices I was quite excited to be present at a health congress recently, where I hoped some nagging little questions I had been asking myself could be answered by the impressive array of doctors, medical universtity deans and pharmaceutical company representatives who attended.

While I was there I confirmed a fair bit of information (and some very worrying conclusions), the most important being:

– The biodiversity of this planet is being reduced every day, with industry, logging, and petrochemicals in the environment destroying more and more species.

– Pathogens in previously highly biodiverse areas are being forced to move onto new hosts or “vector animals” at a faster and faster rate to ensure their own survival, because their traditional hosts are dying off.

– Through massive vaccination programs, our pharmaceutical industry is attempting to completely eradicate many of the diseases that have plagued humans for millenia. These vaccinations are allegedly effective against specific pathogens, with little or no effect on others, and in many cases reduce the human body’s resistance against other diseases.

– When a pathogen dies out, either from biodiversity destruction or eradication via vaccination, another one – often completely unknown – adapts to take it’s place within a very short time.

– Against these new diseases humans have almost no immunity, having never encountered them before.

– Most people’s immune systems are much weaker today than a few decades ago for many reasons: poor nutrient and vitamin supply from food due to processing methods and irradiation for “hygiene”, sedentary or otherwise unhealthy lifestyles, and in many parts of the world, malnutrition or hunger.

–  Even in advanced countries, it is harder and harder to get good quality vitamins and supplements, mostly because of intense daily lobbying efforts from the same food and medecine industry giants that want a monopoly on our health – here’s the latest attempt, by Senator John McCain of all people. Here more of the same in Canada… There is a permanent assault by Big Pharma on the health of every country that never stops, it seems. The vitamins that manage to get sold are usually restricted to tiny, useless doses, or failing that, are synthesised from ingredients that are very poorly assimilated by our bodies. Today it is fairly hard to rebuild a good immune system because of this. If you are told vitamins can be dangerous, laugh and read this. Out of the billions of doses taken, 10 people have died taking vitamins in the US… in 23 years !

So to sum up: in an environment that is already throwing more and more serious pathogens at us, our medical system is doing it’s best to eliminate the pathogens we have acquired defences against, while making no effort to strengthen our natural immunities that are the only protection we have against a multitude of emerging diseases – on the contrary: many of the chemical based medecines we use actually reduce the effectiveness of our own immune systems. This is tantamount to creating the perfect storm, where all it would take is one new virulent disease to wipe our globalised population of the face of this planet. Luckily for us there are always a few survivors even after the worse epidemics…

When I asked a few of the “experts” about this pretty obvious problem, none of them could give me a satisfactory explanation – in fact, it seems that several of these so-called “top notch researchers” had never given the matter any thought, and looked quite worried as they scuttled off to avoid answering…

So the next question is why ? I find it hard to believe that the entire pharmaceutical industry is willfuly plotting the death of the entire human race, with some modern-day Dr. Mabuse at the top pulling the strings of millions of “useful idiot” doctors worldwide in a carefuly orchestrated doomsday plan ! I also find it hard to believe that so many doctors worldwide are so dangerously stupid that the implications of our massively wasteful billion dollar disease eradication programs have passed them by completely…

Add to all this the new breeds of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” that not only defeat our drugs, but also are acquiring characteristics that allow them to defeat the most healthy people with ease, and we really have a problem.

If a doctor out there can give me a reasonable explanation of this bizarre methodology, I would love to hear it ! I’m not holding my breath, though…

When I compare our medical industry’s methods with other forms of medecine they seem to fare very badly these days except in surgical techniques – For example in Traditional Chinese medecine most of the treatments aim to boost all the natural systems in the body to their peak – from their point of view if a person is healthy and has a strong immune system, he has little to fear from any disease. Quite the opposite approach to the average western drug-dealing doctor strangely enough…

In my case, I haven’t touched a pharmaceutical drug for years and my last vaccination was when I was a baby, but despite travelling all over the world, including into pathogen-rich jungles full of mosquitoes and supposedly very unhealthy third-world countries I am healthier than most people I know. I’m also a smoker, and not impartial to a few beers…

My advice to anyone who wants to keep healthy as long as possible without paying too much attention to the current pandemic hysteria and it’s associated marketing schemes:

– Take organic vitamins, especially C & D3 when the flu is about. Don’t bother with non-organic vitamins – they are virtually useless and can do you harm.

– Take mineral supplements whenever you feel “under the weather” – especially in hot, sweaty environments.

– Drink lots of green tea

– Start practicing one of the many eastern healthy exercise programs. Meditation is a good start but if you have the time practicing Tai Chi a bit every day, or even better Qi Gong, will definitely improve  your health across the board. Either of these techniques will also strengthen your ligaments and joints, and keep your body youthful until a ripe old age if practiced regularly. I know 90 year olds who practice QI Gong 30 minutes a day and can put a 40 year old to shame when it comes to endurance, vitality and alertness. Failing that (it’s not always easy to find a good Qi Gong teacher), regular, long walks in a natural environment do wonders for the mind and body !

– Eat varied foods, and occasionally be excessive on food and drink…

– Once in a while, when you are feeling good about yourself, fast for a day. No food – only liquids and no stimulants or cigarettes !

Picture yourself young and strong, whatever your actual condition – Your aging will slow down.

Cheers, and good health ! May you survive when everyone else drops like flies…


The new Priesthood: subsidised experts

At least since the Babylonian mystery schools, the length of human history is rife with examples of organised religions and their priesthoods collaborating closely with rulers for the organisation and control of a social consensus amongst the people, in order to corral them into viewpoints that would maintain the status quo, keep them working hard for a pittance and remove or stigmatise any desire for dissent, rebellion against more privileged classes or even improving their lot in life. These religious institutions would happily do so in exchange for a respected position in the state and social heirarchy, the right to tax a percentage of the people’s livelihood, and own their own land upon which they would build special awe-inspiring buildings. These religious institutions were characterised by large numbers of devout, well-meaning workers who would try their best to reconcile the interpretation of their dogma with the politics and aims of their superiors and the common-sense of the people they were “spiritually guiding”. Over time this was perfected so much that both the priests and their flocks would develop mental automatisms to reconfigure “on the fly” information recieved from just about any source so it would fit in with their beliefs. The opposite rarely occured, as any ideas contrary to the current interpretation of dogma would be strongly – often violently – resisted,  thus encouraging a very robust form of “socio-political correctness”. This has kept many countries in a stranglehold for large parts of their history, stifling creativity, innovation and progress. At the worst, it has led to crusades, inquisitions or Jihads responsible for the deaths of many, many innocents.

Over the last couple of centuries organised religions have taken considerable hits on their credibility and lost a lot of their previous influence on the beliefs of many peoples around the globe. This has resulted in a void waiting to be filled. By it’s very nature, power in any form cannot exist unless supported by subsidiary groups that execute it’s agendas and provide public demonstrations to prove to the people how essential their masters are for continued existence, comfort and security.

So for many people, the evolution of scientific discovery has eroded their belief in strange gods, cults and superstitions, and they have turned their attention away from priests and scriptures, towards scientists, researchers and their institutions, hoping that these people would reveal the secrets of reality and contribute to the common good through their careful and painstaking work. The structures of contemporary power having changed, shifting from the leadership of geographicaly limited areas by small groups of people to widely dispersed political and financial trans-national entities that can formulate policy for entire continents, or own the finances of entire sectors of the economy woldwide, results in much greater opportunities, money, and influence for organisations or people of any stripe that put themselves under their protective wing in exchange for aligning their own goals with the objectives of their masters. It seems unfortunately that many scientists have been attracted by the same material things that seduced religious institutions into working so closely with power before, and in many areas are now perfoming the same functions of coralling wiewpoints, creating consensus aligned with political expediency, stigmatising dissent, and creating dogmas to justify the policies of their masters. In exchange they are provided with status, land on which to build awe-inspiring buildings, ressources, and a portion of the people’s taxes, doled out in many forms (grants, subsidies, etc…). Notice the similarities with the priesthoods of old ?

A good current example of this can be seen in the current WHO scandal involving corruption and fraud, where numerous scientists are being investigated because of funds recieved from big pharma companies that would have (and have had) an immense direct financial gain if a pandemic was declared. The power structure in question – the private curiously named World Health Organization – has attained after years of effort the capacity to force hundreds of countries around the world to act in concert if certain health criteria – defined by itself of course – were met. In this case, the “priesthood” were so keen on helping their contributors, they actually changed the definition of a “pandemic” to be able to classify the swine-flu outbreaks under this heading, thus allowing them to legally force countries around the world to spend huge fortunes on enacting a series of national emergency preparations, including buying billions of dollars worth of badly tested and largely ineffective vaccines produced by companies that both directly and indirectly keep the WHO and it’s initiates supplied with financing.

Here is an excellent summary of the current pseudo-pandemic rout by people who are good at “following the money”

Another good example of the same trend is shown with the “climategate” scandal, where it seems the IPCC top dogs were willing to go to any length, including falsifying data, obstructing scientific debate, designing biased computer models and fraudulent graphs, in a most unscientific attempt to convince everyone about their beliefs and destroy any other viewpoints. Whether global warming is happening or not, this kind of behaviour completely opposes so many principles that “good science” is based on, it is not suprising they have blasted their credibility for many people ! I am sure they would have never gone to such risky lengths if they were not closely entwined with a giant financial network that stands to gain billions through the implementation of the new carbon economy all over the world. I have noticed that alongside the global financial mess, many powerful groups are transforming themselves into vectors of the “green economy” in order to continue raking in millions while wearing a “holier than thou” cloth and pretending to be selfless saviours of humanity. Maybe they are hoping to avoid the grizzly fate that might be awaiting their banker brethren if a majority becomes aware of the depths of larceny (er, stealing many times over the value of the world’s economy in less than a century…) they have sunk to.

Somehow the carbon credit system reminds me of Church “Indulgencies” sold so rich sinners could buy their way back into paradise….

For an overview of some the companies desperately fighting for the moral high ground while making a buck  try the IETA site.

As an end note: In the same way medaeval town criers would never shout out news going against the will of the monarch or the local religion – or be out of a job pretty quick – contemporary media seem to toe the line or simply not report the most important facts when “informing” people about both international power structures or the groups that serve them, unless someone involved has screwed up so massively that there is no way they can avoid it. Even then there are numerous methods to distort truth, misdirect public questioning, produce absurd theories to discredit serious information or whitewash sensitive material. When the news they carry is produced by especially credible/powerful organisations, they have even less reason to do anything but parrot what they have been told. Real, no-holds barred investigative journalism seems to be relegated to the web these days.

Expect more encyclicals from the new priesthoods soon – and maybe an “ordo inquisitoris” will be knocking on your door soon to check your green lightbulbs (you know: the bulbs responsible for thousands of mercury poisoning deaths and the ruining of an entire water table in China under the factories producing them…)

Luckily, burning at the stake is not very carbon friendly in this neo-feudal world ! They will have to find something else…

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