Posts Tagged ‘terrorism


A few pertinent facts about Libya

There is so much contradictory stuff circulating about Libya and Qadaffi I think a few points are worth clarifying.

Libya under Qaddafi:

– The latest UN Human Rights Council report on Libya (issued just before the outbreak of hostilities) is glowing with praise for the country, and commends Libya’s government for improving human rights, educational opportunities and improving its “constitutional” framework

– Libya has more legal protections for its citizens than any other african or middle-eastern country

– An international delegation of medical professionals recently stated – in an appeal to Russian President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin no less – that in their view there were few nations in which the people lived in such comfort. They asserted that “Libyans are entitled to free treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment. Education in Libya is free, capable young people have the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 U.S. dollars) of financial assistance. Non-interest state loans, and as practice shows, undated. Due to government subsidies the price of cars is much lower than in Europe, and they are affordable for every family. Gasoline and bread cost a penny, no taxes for those who are engaged in agriculture. The Libyan people are quiet and peaceful, are not inclined to drink, and are very religious.”

– Today, Libya ranks 53 on the UN Human Development Index and qualifies as the most developed country in Africa, ahead of Russia, Brazil, Ukraine, and Venezuela.

– Qadaffi’s most ambitious project, costing $33 billion, is the largest and most ambitious – and expensive – irrigation project in the world. It has taken decades to complete, and was financed with no help from the international community or banks. The Great Man-Made River project provides 70% of Libyans with water for drinking and irrigation pumped from the huge Nubian Sandstone Aquifer system in the south all the way to coastal areas 4000 km to the north. Qadaffi has intended for years that Libya become the bread basket of the region, providing food and water to surrounding countries to eliminate their dependency on western imports and aid, provoking a major regional economic boom

– The central Bank of Libya provides interest free loans, complying with the tenets of Islam, thus stimulating local entrepreneurs and businesses. It manages all loans, and issues and regulates the Libyan money supply. Because eliminating interest has been shown to reduce the cost of public projects by an average of 50%, Libya has been able to build its education system and state-of-the-art medical care, and achieve many other projects for the public good. For the same reasons it has almost no foreign debt, and thus total financial independance from the western banking oligarchy. Libya has large gold reserves, in addition to the oil money in foreign banks currently blocked by the UN coalition and now destined to finance the “rebels”.

– Women have a far better status than in most other Muslim countries. Qadaffi decided to create a personal military guard comprised only of highly trained women – mainly in order to make a point to the more mysogynistic Islamic hard-liners…

– Entirely in contradiction with heavily biased western media reports, Qadaffi is adored as an idol by the vast majority of his people (with the exception of Salafi Islamist fundamentalists and eastern clans that lost power to Qadaffi’s regime) quite simply because under his strong leadership their lives have improved tremendously compared to their experience under previous regimes.

– The first person to issue an international arrest warrant for Osama Bin Laden was Qadaffi, years before 9/11.

– Libya has been the most persistant fighter against terrorism in the entire Arab world, arresting more extremist Muslim terrorists than just about any other country over the last few years. Libya has been commended by both Washington and the FBI numerous times in recent years for its help fighting terrorism.

– Qaddafi has accepted the African Union proposition for a roadmap to peace in Libya. This has been pretty much ignored by western media.

Libya’s “rebels”:

– Unlike all the other regional uprisings defined overwhelmingly through peaceful marches by non-violent protesters, in Libya the insurgency kicked off in Benghazi with violent assaults on police stations, army barracks and armories. Contrary to western media reports, the insurgents commenced hostilities. There were no peaceful marches.

– For years Benghazi has been a hotbed of the most violent factions of Islamic extremism. A 2007 West Point study shows that during the Iraq war, the Benghazi-Darnah-Tobruk area supplied more Jihadi fighters per capita to battle coalition forces in Iraq than any other area. In fact the Benghazi-Tobruk corridor was described as “a world leader in Al Qaeda suicide bomber recruitment”. These extremists form the backbone of the”rebel” elements.

– One of the first actions of the “rebels” was to create a new central bank for Libya and the “Libyan Oil Company” a “supervisory authority on oil production”, based in Benghazi – barely 48 hours after the UN decided on the “no-fly zone” . CNBC senior editor John Carney asked, “Is this the first time a revolutionary group has created a central bank while it is still in the midst of fighting the entrenched political power? It certainly seems to indicate how extraordinarily powerful central bankers have become in our era.”

– It appears that most of the supposedly “first hand” media reports about Libya actually emanate from the the National Conference of the Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in Washington and Dubai. These unverified reports have become the basis for accusations of “genocide”, economic sanctions, and enforced “no-fly zones”.

– The “rebels” have been accused of indiscriminate killings, beheadings and witch-hunts, as well as the persecution and murder of many black africans and other foreigners attempting to leave Libya.

– The “rebellion” is being directed from Washington by Ibrahim Sahad of the NFSL. The NFSL was formed in London in 2005

Confused ? Maybe this very short video will help explain this insanity:

A couple of very good articles from activist post explaining the reasoning behind the attack on Libya by the western globalist oligarchy:

I am not even going to go into other aspects (maybe later), like the huge amounts of radioactive depleted uranium used by NATO in their munitions that have already turned Iraq into a country overwhelmed by cancer and birth defects and are primed to do the same in Libya in the name of “fighting tyranny”…

My prayers are with the people of Libya. May they find peace and justice.


Tasers are cattle-prods applied to the human spirit

Tasers are weapons that function by delivering a huge electric shock directly to the nervous system of their target, producing temporary paralysis, convulsions, extreme pain and sometimes death.

Every day now images and testimonies appear on the internet detailing the prolific routine use of this new “non-lethal” weapon by law enforcement on citizens, a tiny percentage of whom appear to be actually caught in the process of committing a crime. These weapons have been used on children running away from their parents, old age pensioners confined to their beds, people who have been a bit slow to show their ID cards, legitimate protesters against government and financial abuse of power, and in numerous cases have resulted in the deaths of their targets, despite their supposed “non-lethality”.

The most ancient legal systems in human history were based on the concept of “doing no harm” to one’s neighbor. These principles have followed us through the ages up to the present time, where differences between people are resolved in courts of law, with more or less neutral parties representing the interests of the accused and the victim.

How is it that in most purportedly civilized and democratic countries, police can now legally inflict unbearable traumatic pain with impunity on anyone, merely on suspicion of having committed a crime ? This dreadful taser weapon – a glorified cattle-prod for humans – was introduced first in the US a few years ago, and has spread to most supposedly democratic countries since, with no real public debate at all. Governments have seized the right to torture their own citizens in a way that reminds me of policing techniques in the middle ages, where people were routinely tortured on suspicion of wrong-doing.

Most legal systems would rightfully condemn a citizen inflicting extreme pain and mental trauma on another citizen. So how come police – who supposedly represent Law and Order – may now inflict this physical and psychological pain on almost anyone with the flimsiest of justifications and almost no legal repercussions ? Numerous people have been tasered in western countries for merely raising their voice in front of authority or acting agitated ! Not being a zombie, I find it natural to be agitated when faced by a man in uniform aiming a weapon at me that if I am lucky will put me through moments of paralysis and agony even if it does not kill me, and leave an imprint of powerlessness, trauma and total loss of human dignity on my spirit for my entire life afterwards.

Strangely, traveling around countries with more or less totalitarian regimes in Asia I have never seen police even carrying this weapon, let alone using it ! They would not dare… It would not be accepted by the local inhabitants and any public use of such a weapon would be condemned by the population at large instantly, especially in Buddhist countries where inflicting pain amounts to a cultural taboo – for good reason.

So how have we come to accept as normal, in our “civilized” western countries that pretend to place so much importance in “spreading democracy” and human rights, the routine use of a weapon that is such a direct assault on human dignity ? Is this just one more demonstration of our governments transforming into brutal desensitized psychopathic institutions, more interested in controlling through fear and pain a populace than reforming their own incompetent, wasteful and corrupt practices ? Is their intention to destroy every remaining vestige of the human spirit, reducing their populations to quivering, terrified wrecks who will jump to obey any order given by a man in uniform or suffer immediate pain and incapacitation ? This goes way beyond even George Orwell’s terrifying vision of the future.

And why is the reaction of the public so weak against the use of this device ? Have we been so desensitized by continuous images of suffering and violence projected at us by the media twenty-four hours a day that now we accept without question that our institutions may use what amounts to torture devices to “keep us in line” with almost total impunity ?

Maybe if people accept this daily intimidation from the citizens in uniform representing authority it is a sign that forces of evil have overthrown all the positive principles of human society that were fought for by our ancestors for centuries. In the blink of an eye, over very few years, almost “under the radar”, we have returned to the methods of the Spanish Inquisition or the French post-revolutionary “Question”, where merely being accused of a crime was enough to justify debilitating torture and death.

This is a complete travesty of justice, and unless it is stopped, it will only mark the beginning of a new era. Already, microwave devices that fry your skin and sonic machines that overload your perception have been developed for “crowd control”, and are starting to be used. These weapons are a dictator’s dream, and are a sinister sign of the form our societies are taking.

Do you want that ? Are you going to give faceless institutions the right to torture and abuse you, your children, and all future generations, or are you going to stop this now ? Are you going to continue allowing yourselves be treated far, far worse than misbehaving cattle ?

And you, the police using these weapons to inflict extreme pain on your fellow citizens; are you aware that each time you pull that trigger you are nourishing the worst aspects of your being, the parts of you that revel in human suffering and power over the weak ? Are you aware that each time you use this disgusting weapon, you come closer to resembling the most violent, thuggish criminals you are supposed to be protecting society against ? Are you aware that each time you watch a fellow human being writhing on the floor in agony you are physically damaging the parts of your brain that concern empathy, feeling, and the recognition of another person’s distress. In short, you are incrementally turning yourself into the worst kind of psychopath  enemies of any civilized society ? Can you use the excuse that you are “just obeying orders” and look at yourself in the mirror every morning and see anything but a bully and a coward ?

Mussolini himself defined “fascism” as being the “alliance of the corporation and the state”. Look what happened… Governments no longer have more than a cursory appearance of interest in the welfare of the people. This is manifested more and more every passing minute. I am starting to think that western governments want their citizens to fear and hate them in order to justify draconian repression and control. This has happened in the past. It was called Nazism, amongst other things.

It is not too late to change this, but I think it soon will be unless people make a stand for their most basic rights and human dignity.

If too many people continue thinking we do not have a problem – then we have a real problem…


A video of state terror inflicted on the people

David Icke has some funny ideas. I will not condemn him for that. We are all entitled to our ideas, and if they are a bit strange – as long as they do not harm other people – that just adds to the colour of life. At the same time he has a very clear vision of certain aspects of our modern society. The following is a simple video; one of many circulating on the subject of abuse of power by authorities and pain and suffering inflicted on citizens in the so called “civilized” world. The points he makes are very valid, and should be cause for reflection by any person with a modicum of humanity. I’m presuming there are a few left…

Watch this and reflect on the following: What has happened to the “boys in blue” who used to “protect and serve” the people who pay their salaries with their hard-earned taxes ? Why do they wear black nowadays, when black is historically reserved – worldwide and in every culture – for executioners, fascist para-military forces and terror squads ? Is this what they have become ? Draw your own conclusions.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face – forever.

George Orwell, “1984”

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