Posts Tagged ‘oligarchy


A few pertinent facts about Libya

There is so much contradictory stuff circulating about Libya and Qadaffi I think a few points are worth clarifying.

Libya under Qaddafi:

– The latest UN Human Rights Council report on Libya (issued just before the outbreak of hostilities) is glowing with praise for the country, and commends Libya’s government for improving human rights, educational opportunities and improving its “constitutional” framework

– Libya has more legal protections for its citizens than any other african or middle-eastern country

– An international delegation of medical professionals recently stated – in an appeal to Russian President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin no less – that in their view there were few nations in which the people lived in such comfort. They asserted that “Libyans are entitled to free treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment. Education in Libya is free, capable young people have the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 U.S. dollars) of financial assistance. Non-interest state loans, and as practice shows, undated. Due to government subsidies the price of cars is much lower than in Europe, and they are affordable for every family. Gasoline and bread cost a penny, no taxes for those who are engaged in agriculture. The Libyan people are quiet and peaceful, are not inclined to drink, and are very religious.”

– Today, Libya ranks 53 on the UN Human Development Index and qualifies as the most developed country in Africa, ahead of Russia, Brazil, Ukraine, and Venezuela.

– Qadaffi’s most ambitious project, costing $33 billion, is the largest and most ambitious – and expensive – irrigation project in the world. It has taken decades to complete, and was financed with no help from the international community or banks. The Great Man-Made River project provides 70% of Libyans with water for drinking and irrigation pumped from the huge Nubian Sandstone Aquifer system in the south all the way to coastal areas 4000 km to the north. Qadaffi has intended for years that Libya become the bread basket of the region, providing food and water to surrounding countries to eliminate their dependency on western imports and aid, provoking a major regional economic boom

– The central Bank of Libya provides interest free loans, complying with the tenets of Islam, thus stimulating local entrepreneurs and businesses. It manages all loans, and issues and regulates the Libyan money supply. Because eliminating interest has been shown to reduce the cost of public projects by an average of 50%, Libya has been able to build its education system and state-of-the-art medical care, and achieve many other projects for the public good. For the same reasons it has almost no foreign debt, and thus total financial independance from the western banking oligarchy. Libya has large gold reserves, in addition to the oil money in foreign banks currently blocked by the UN coalition and now destined to finance the “rebels”.

– Women have a far better status than in most other Muslim countries. Qadaffi decided to create a personal military guard comprised only of highly trained women – mainly in order to make a point to the more mysogynistic Islamic hard-liners…

– Entirely in contradiction with heavily biased western media reports, Qadaffi is adored as an idol by the vast majority of his people (with the exception of Salafi Islamist fundamentalists and eastern clans that lost power to Qadaffi’s regime) quite simply because under his strong leadership their lives have improved tremendously compared to their experience under previous regimes.

– The first person to issue an international arrest warrant for Osama Bin Laden was Qadaffi, years before 9/11.

– Libya has been the most persistant fighter against terrorism in the entire Arab world, arresting more extremist Muslim terrorists than just about any other country over the last few years. Libya has been commended by both Washington and the FBI numerous times in recent years for its help fighting terrorism.

– Qaddafi has accepted the African Union proposition for a roadmap to peace in Libya. This has been pretty much ignored by western media.

Libya’s “rebels”:

– Unlike all the other regional uprisings defined overwhelmingly through peaceful marches by non-violent protesters, in Libya the insurgency kicked off in Benghazi with violent assaults on police stations, army barracks and armories. Contrary to western media reports, the insurgents commenced hostilities. There were no peaceful marches.

– For years Benghazi has been a hotbed of the most violent factions of Islamic extremism. A 2007 West Point study shows that during the Iraq war, the Benghazi-Darnah-Tobruk area supplied more Jihadi fighters per capita to battle coalition forces in Iraq than any other area. In fact the Benghazi-Tobruk corridor was described as “a world leader in Al Qaeda suicide bomber recruitment”. These extremists form the backbone of the”rebel” elements.

– One of the first actions of the “rebels” was to create a new central bank for Libya and the “Libyan Oil Company” a “supervisory authority on oil production”, based in Benghazi – barely 48 hours after the UN decided on the “no-fly zone” . CNBC senior editor John Carney asked, “Is this the first time a revolutionary group has created a central bank while it is still in the midst of fighting the entrenched political power? It certainly seems to indicate how extraordinarily powerful central bankers have become in our era.”

– It appears that most of the supposedly “first hand” media reports about Libya actually emanate from the the National Conference of the Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in Washington and Dubai. These unverified reports have become the basis for accusations of “genocide”, economic sanctions, and enforced “no-fly zones”.

– The “rebels” have been accused of indiscriminate killings, beheadings and witch-hunts, as well as the persecution and murder of many black africans and other foreigners attempting to leave Libya.

– The “rebellion” is being directed from Washington by Ibrahim Sahad of the NFSL. The NFSL was formed in London in 2005

Confused ? Maybe this very short video will help explain this insanity:

A couple of very good articles from activist post explaining the reasoning behind the attack on Libya by the western globalist oligarchy:

I am not even going to go into other aspects (maybe later), like the huge amounts of radioactive depleted uranium used by NATO in their munitions that have already turned Iraq into a country overwhelmed by cancer and birth defects and are primed to do the same in Libya in the name of “fighting tyranny”…

My prayers are with the people of Libya. May they find peace and justice.


Why we need global resistance by “we the people” to avoid catastrophy

If you sum up the information we have available on our economy, healthcare, food supply and energy supplies these days it is pretty obvious that all four cornerstones of our future survival on his planet, and thus the foundations of a just, advanced future civilisation are deeply dysfunctional and are taking humanity down a path  that is directly opposed to it’s potential and capabilities.


Our economy is a debt based system that is a mathematical model for the destruction of value and the concentration of all wealth into a tiny number of hands wordwide. For those that still don’t know this – just ask yourselves how the richest 170 people in the world have aquired an equivalent wealth to the poorest 3 billion people on the globe.

Compare this with the bright future possible using Social Credit, BIG, or the Cook plan – also check out the massively successful Alaska Permanent Fund – all of which are monetary models that would almost instantly and with very little infrastructure solve the debt problems of every impoverished citizen in the world, and restart a productive economy with less toil and wasted energy, and more freedom for all it’s participants. The global elite who are responsible for maintaining the current vampiric system at all costs at the expense of most of humanity are aware of these far more democratic and ethical systems, and have made every effort to suppress, ignore or even demonise them in order to continue raping the planet and it’s inhabitants with impunity.

To sum up, the monetary system we use is the property of the whole of humanity, and must be removed from the grasping claws of private international institutions hiding their ongoing, massive piracy behind deceitful language and opaque systems, and given back to the people. Economics must serve the people of this planet. Perpetuating exactly the opposite is simply insane and horrendously destructive ! Unless of course you are one of the 170 odd hyper rich. Absolutely everyone else is losing out more and more: it is a simple mathematical iteration… As a last point I might add that every war around the planet is financed by the international banks – no war can be waged anywhere without a bank loan from soulless globalised institutions. Just food for thought…


Healthcare worldwide is riddled with such a mess of corruption, phony research, unethical marketing, and products that attenuate symptoms while debilitating the health of the “consumer” (not patient…) ensuring his continued custom for big Pharma. Healthcare should be taken from these companies – they have demonstrated beyond a doubt through their evil practices that thay are the last people to be trusted with our health. Think they are nice, honest groups concerned with our wellbeing ? Well, read this:

one more example in a succession of massive fines for Pharma over the years ! These fines are just accounted with the yearly losses and do nothing to change business as usual for them of course. I remember years back when European Pharma companies were caught corrupting every member of a European Commission (except one who blew the whistle) in order to ban organic vitamins from easy public access – They incurred the biggest fines in the history of business. Did that stop them ? Of course not – they just upped their pressure on the infamous “Codex Alimentarius” commission to outlaw vitamins in as many areas as possible, and enforce worldwide food irradiation just in case there were any nutrients left in our food products.

How to change the situation ? Citizen-based transparent oversite (the way of the future) of all big pharma practices, and an enforcement of placebo trials for every medecine introduced into the “health market”. Most people wil probably be surprised to learn that no vaccine is given a placebo test – the “cohort trials” currently used are hopeless and the results can be interpreted wildly; this is why they are used.

You still want to get vaccinated ? Well read this; you might change your mind:

Food Supply

Now, let’s talk about the world food supply and what’s wrong with it – in one word: globalisation ! Through the tireless efforts of our international think tanks, trade commissions, WTO and a veritable host of sister organisations we at last have a global network of interlinked countries that all depend on each other for their survival and, er… independance. Ironically this global system has barely been put in place and is already showing it’s weakness because of the global economic crunch. Because so many countries export their own food and import their needs, as soon as international banks stop giving the credit for ships to sail, huge quantities of food are wasted and do not go where they are needed. A recent example of this were the numerous famines in 2007-2008 that were a direct result, not of overpopulation as our information-twisting media loves to put out, but simply lack of credit supplied by banks to get the boats on the water. This is pretty clear if you look at the Baltic Exchange Dry Index that shows total world freight:

Don’t believe it ? Check out:

The horrible irony of these times is people starving a few meters away from massive, full grain silos destined for other countries but immobilised by finance. It leads to unthinkable situations: in Thailand the price of rice – the staple – has skyrocketed over the last few years despite the fact Thailand is the biggest rice exporter in the world ! Another demonstration that our global economy does little to benetfit those who actualy do all the work !

The reason we are going to have – as Web-Bot predicts – the worst famine in memory next year is pretty simple: look at the Baltic Dry again – notice that the level of worldwide shipping is already infinitely lower than it was in 2007. Our starting point during the next level of collapse of the economy being much lower, when shipping collapses again through lack of credit it is probable that more than a billion people will be starving in 2010. In Europe it is likely that the supermarket supply chain will fail – western “just in time” delivery techniques will compound the disaster.

Of course there are a myriad of other reasons the famine will be bad – most of them due to globalisation too ! If you add farmers committing suicide by the thousands in India (favoured method of suicide: drinking Monsanto roundup pesticide) because their livelyhood has been destroyed by Monsanto;  the pushing of GM everywhere although it has been demonstrated to be less productive than even supposedly “wasteful” organic  farming and does not boost yields, not to mention being downright bad for health; the huge reduction of global food and grain reserves over the last few years world-wide – the list goes on… Here’s the Cornell University report on organic farming vs GMO:

Energy Supply

Right, lets move on to energy. Wordwide we are using limited supplies of highly polluting ressouces to provide our energy. When we are not doing that, we are using expensive and dangerous nuclear sources, that will have to be watched over by endless future generations of scientists to avoid radioactive catastrophy. All this while free energy has been around for nearly a hundred years – probably more. Patents for using “standing wave” electricity, drawing energy directly from the earth’s huge, unlimited electric field were registered in the 1920’s ! They were bought and buried by companies like IG Farben when they were taking time off from helping set up Nazi Germany.

And now we find ourselves being asked to pay “carbon credits” to compensate for the damage all these companies have knowingly inflicted on the world ? Years back when I was jokingly saying that air will be taxed when they can get away with it I didn’t realise how soon it was going to happen.

No government will interfere with the huge energy companies quite simply because creating dependency on an electric grid is one of the best ways of ensuring social control, so don’t expect any help from them. In fact, politicians like Blair and Brown make most of their money from checks for “services rendered”  to oil companies and other financial giants, so expecting them to improve anything is just plain stupid. Their actions bare this out just about every week.

In fact, there are many ways of generating power without depending on the grid – I have engineer friends who can run a household on a few hundred dollars of equipment – forever !

Here’s a magnetic generator using switched phase permanent magnetic fields:

Here’s the theory (touching on Schumann resonances) as outlined by Nikolai Tesla – you know, the forgotten genius who invented amongst other things the AC/DC we use everywhere – forgotten probably because he invented workable free energy:

I hope any engineers reading this take note and get back into their workshops.

Solutions ?

So what are we going to do about all this ?

Well, My solution is to start a global insurgency against these parasitic, monopolistic, downright deadly (for us) systems. With several internationaly renowned economists, money reformers and thinkers we are going to start a “we the people” forum soon, where we will centralise information on the current world issues, along with solutions that “we the people” can apply directly in our own lives.

The people currently destroying the advancement and enlightenment of our civilisation for their own power and fear of losing control must be stopped. I would suggest regrouping every human being who is not a minion of these evil creatures into a worldwide organisation called “we the people”, and when we have enough sheer numbers, force the globalists to start actually benefitting humanity by pointing out far and wide their evil actions and the many viable alternatives, on every media. If not, they will have to go… If they are not stupid, they could even use their considerable pool of ressources and human brainpower – currently used for the worst possible causes – to clear their act up and sincerely help humanity progress to a new level of civilisation. Unfortunately they seem to mostly have psychopathic personalities: a bad sign because a psychopath’s reaction when “found out” is often violence, even when it leads to his own doom.

A nice inspirational video by the Argentine analyst Adrian Salbuchi:

part one:

part two:

So, who out there has the “cojones” to actually stop moaning about things and do something about them ? Hopefully a lot of you, otherwise we will be facing global catastrophy within 18 months..

Spread the word. I’ll give the “we the people” forum url as soon as it’s ready. We need to start our “Grass Roots Think Tank” !

The tree of Liberty is parched from lack of water. Go grab a watering can !

Otherwise it might end up watered by “the blood of patriots” yet again…


Why a global financial collapse and how to survive it

I’m going to write a post on each important forecast of the Web Bot project over the next few days. These issues are so important that it is a good idea to have a look at their real probabilities of coming to pass.

So let’s start with the forecast collapse of the dollar, leading to systemic collapse of the whole economic system, or at least the Anglo-American part of it – which should severely affect everyone worldwide.

If you haven’t read it already, this post contains very good links and explanations – the comments are interesting too:

Originally today I was going to write another long, convoluted post with all sorts of links and documents, but this morning I stumbled upon an article that goes far to explain the reasons behind the continuing US economic collapse that can be readily expanded to understand our worldwide predicament. It also touches on some of the solutions possible to reinvent markets where value is not continually destroyed in the current devious manner. One thing that the mainstream media never seems to mention are the numerous other monetary and economic systems mankind has developed over time that actually benefit everyone participating. And then they claim to “inform” people…

I find it quite encouraging that many deadly serious economists are starting to condemn our current economic system in the same tone I’ve been using for the last few years ! It’s about time; with most western economies stupidly depending on loans from international financial institutions for everything from their budgets to waging war, international big players have a ridiculously unjustified influence on the policies and well-being of supposedly independant states. These states are slowly finding themselves more and more subordinate to foreign bureaucracies and money, and this is definitely not improving their economies, standards of living, education, health, or just about any other sector. If it was, we would not be in the mess we are in ! QED…

The hope of the wealthy elites – that through this collapse people will be scared into creating a handfull of international currencies to centralise institutionalised vampirism – must be dashed at all costs, unless we want to see the same soulless entities responsible for the current crisis gaining absolute control of all the worlds wealth they do not already possess.

Luckily people seem to waking up to this scenario all around the world and are thinking of creative solutions.

An excellent video on the global financial collapse seen through the eyes of the level headed Argentine intellectual Adrian Salbuchi:

Global Financial Collapse Part 1

Global Financial Collapse Part 2

Another good guy who says it “as it is”

He has been studying global economics for decades, is the founder of the Argentine Second Republic movement, and being from Argentina is uniquely positioned to understand the causes and effects of depression on a country, following Argentina’s collapse from being one of the five richest countries in the world to one of the poorest, most indebted nations.

Take heed, western world !


A brilliant speech by a 12 year old to world “leaders”

This is a speech given by Severn Suzuki, a 12 year old girl of Japanese-Canadian descent who travelled to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to deliver an exemplary speech about adult responsability for the future. An extraordinary example for us all.

She may have been speaking in 1992, but her words apply even more today. Maybe the fact that it takes a 12 year old to stand up and explain certain simple truths to adult “leaders” is another indication of the psychopathic system strangling the world. If the end result of our “civilisation” is to produce children living in fear of the future what is the point ?

But what do you expect because, as David Rockefeller said, a “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers” run the system, so the kids are going to be forgotten for a while, I’m afraid. Far more important is how much money can be extracted from their lives from the day they are born.

This is not likely to change as long as the real economy – and real people – serve the financial system and it’s players, and not the reverse. Stupid, but true unfortunately.

If one millionth of the recent trillions of bank bailout money was invested in a varied and in-depth education for all the 12 year olds like Ms Suzuki around the world, they would probably find a solution to all the worlds major problems within one generation.


Poison the planet and make the victims pay – Political Ponerology or the genesis of evil

I have been looking into industrial chemicals and their toxicity for some time, and yesterday decided to do a little experiment to check a sneaking suspicion. As usual the whole thing ended up going a lot further…

Poisoning the Planet

I wandered around my house making a list of items picked completely at random from every room, kitchen to bathroom (even including some food, drink, cosmetics, ornaments, gadgets, decorations, gifts; you name it… I then divided the list of objects into two groups: those that were produced by an old traditional method: craftsman, individual or artist on one side – so this included everything from pottery to ornaments, to a cheese, a bottle of wine, hand-made clothes, wooden furniture etc to make list A and then into list B went all the things that were industrially designed and mass produced – this included things like packaged foods, sauces, all cosmetics, cleaning products and soaps, gadgets, computers, “Ikea” style furniture, even carpets. I then took each item on both lists and examined it’s ingredients or components for… toxicity !

After a bit of research and some internet searches I made two more lists: toxic and non-toxic, putting all the items containing plastics that reduce fertility, molecules that damage the brain or nervous system, heavy metals that slowly poison you, etc into one list and all the products that contained virtually no toxins or none at all into the other.

It became shockingly obvious first of all that the list of household items containing nasty ingredients was far longer than the “safe item” list, and secondly, a large number of the items on random list A were non-toxic  whereas every single industrially designed, mass produced item on my random list B was on the “toxic/poisonous” list – every single item contained some form of environmentally unfriendly molecule or health imparing toxin – usually quite a few… Even clingfilm wrap used on supermarket food is not exempt, containing petrochemicals that impair fertility and slowly poison you. The worst item was an old computer stuffed with a scary number of toxic, environmentaly disasterous components, but a lot of cosmetics and bathroom items were pretty high on the list too. It seems that things you put on your skin (especially women, with men being the dogs that they are) every day are pretty nasty; full of petrochemicals that cause nerve & brain damage, cancer, spinal damage, etc.

It’s startling to discover that you are washing your hair and cleaning your teeth with products that are also used as anti-freeze, engine degreasers and solvents !

Now, this is when my blood starts to boil and my “caustic paranoid” analysis system wants to leap into the situation and devour it’s prey !

How come for most of human history people have made things for each other either for trade or some form of community or family service, without having to include enviro-toxins and poisons for free with every product, except on rare occasions when total ignorance was involved – mad hatters and mercury comes to mind, as do Romans and their lead piping ? What has changed in our contemporary society that obliges our globalised, commitee designed, mass produced stuff to be so bad for the environment and ourselves ? Especially as we do not have the excuse of ignorance – most petrochemical or other synthetics and molecules have been studied to death by our military-industrial complex decades ago, and the effects of nearly every one thoroughly understood.

It seems that as every year passes, as more and more of the “old fashioned craftsmen” and their “outdated methods” dissappear, and more small family businesses are replaced by ever-merging, ever huger corporations, the products our society becomes inundated with become more and more toxic and dangerous. The evidence surrounds us and is staggering.

I can think of several reasons:

To start with small local businesses and craftsmen in the vast majority of cases previously had a personal relationship with their customers, so had to take complaints directly. Have you ever tried to complain to Unilever or Nestlé because you think their products are poisoning your kids ? The process isn’t quite as simple as it used to be… Who benefits from the change ? Certainly not the customer.

Add to that the modus operandi of corporate “culture”, where everything revolves around the “bottom line” and while presenting a PR reinforced facade of ethical behaviour for the public, only practice ethics in their business if it is profitable. If it is cheaper – including legal costs if they get caught – to get something done in an unethical or even illegal way, then a big corporation will probably go for it – as long as the bottom line is maintained at all costs. I witnessed this personally years back, working for a branch of Pepsi co. and at another time for Total Fina Elf. Both companies maintained a carefuly smiling facade while getting up to corporate practices of a cynicism and (for Elf) disdain for the rule of law – and human life – that were pretty shocking for me, youngster that I was in the world of internationalised evil. I won’t go into what they were up to here – maybe in another post once I’ve checked with a lawyer. These days they can poison humanity and get away with it, but if you accuse them the wrong way you can get into a lot of trouble !

The reason my blood boils is that fewer and fewer people end up owning more and more of the world every year – in 2008 there were 793 Billionnaires with a combined worth of $ 2,400,000,000,000 – far more than the combined worth of the three billion poorest people on the planet (Forbes) – and these mega rich tend to be the ones owning all these vast globalised industries that produce poisonous products to sell to the rest of us. Not only does this not seem to bother them, but if you look around you find many papers and publications produced over the last 100 years actually advocating the practice in the name of depopulation, or other Malthusian or Fabian ideologies. I think those are just polite pretexts to, as the Dead Kennedys band would put it: Kill, kill, kill the poor !”

Political Ponerology

If you want to push things even further, far from mentioning some conspiracy theory – though they abound – I would encourage everyone to read a highly thought-provoking book – almost mind-blowing – called Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski. This amazing book, suppressed for over 50 years, first by the communists, then the Vatican, and last by Brzezinski himself before eventually breaking out into the light of day is the result of decades of research by a team of Polish scientists on psychopaths and their effect as a group on society. I will go into it in depth in another post – I might even devote a special page to the subject, it’s so important. But for a good list of quotes in the mean time, look here.

It’s not very surprising the Communists, the Vatican and Brzezinski were so worried about a book describing how a certain category of psychopaths were supremely equipped psychologicaly to rise fast to the top positions in society, which they would then dominate, and transform slowly into entire institutions with psychopathic deviant behaviour, despite the fact that psychopaths only represent 4-6% of the population ? And the more repressive and irrational the culture, the more people undergo the stresses and pressures that can “push them over the edge” and make them imitate psychopathic behaviour patterns or “go psycho” themselves. A very viscious circle. Very visible too, these days !

What characterises a psychopath ? Total lack of feeling for another person’s emotions – they seem to lack the part of the brain enabling any form of empathy – this allows them to become pitiless masters of manipulation – a very important aspect of hardcore psychos – and capable of inflicting huge pain, killing or causing many deaths without feeling the slightest guilt or remorse. Most of them don’t even understand the concept of guilt or remorse except as an expoitable weakness in their victims. They also learn early to hide extremely well their lack of empathy by simulating emotions they observe, which gives many of them a great capacity for charm – until you get to know them better, or become a victim to their games. Disturbingly, many psychopaths are completely aware of their condition and resent their small numbers compared to the rest of humanity. Apparently most psychopaths are capable of recognising another psychopath almost instantly. Now that must help with the networking !

A psychopath is either born with cerebral lesions (often congenital), is brain-damaged after birth (accident, chemical exposure, drugs, etc…) or survives extreme physical or psychological pressure (torture, sexual abuse, etc..)by effectively suppressing the most human part of his personality definitively. It seems that when one doesn’t use the parts of the brain related to empathy and emotions for a while, they wither away.

One would think that the top positions of our governments, banks and corporations would be ideal for such deviants, where they can make decisions affecting and manipulating multitudes, order the deaths of huge numbers of people without batting an eyelid, and generally get a rush playing with the lives of the ants… And just getting to that position requires so much back-stabbing ! What fun !

It would also go towards explaining why they decide, out of a vast array of materials and chemicals available, to choose the subtely toxic ones for the mass produced products we use every day. I would like someone to find a better explanation. Even the bottom line argument has it’s limits when you see that some dangerous ingredients of household products actually cost more than their safe counterparts.

The book is compellingly written, the evidence almost irrefutable – even down to brain lesions that are found in extreme psychopaths that also occur in the brains of a certain class of politician or corporate leader, or the documented influence of a psychopath in a position of authority that attracts other psychopaths of a lesser stripe, and even worse, forces normal people in the vicinity to emulate sociopathic behaviour in order to survive. Then you have entire societies run by psychopaths, where sick behaviour becomes the norm enforced by the police and army, who become themselves considerably disturbed through an “entrainment” effect.

Reminds me of a day in the office – in the days when I was in an office.

Remember the Nazis, the Stazi, the Stalinist purges, or the Shah’s regime ? Extreme cases but far from isolated…

The scientists who wrote the book lived through the harshest years of communism, and studied the behaviour and actual brains of many nasty officials and political leaders, as well as a lot of criminals and psychopaths. It is quite frightening when many of the factors used in the book to recognise a psychopathocracy are currently present in many governments around the world, nearly all multinational corporations and in global institutions…

So what happens when you have a bunch of hugely wealthy and powerful psychopaths lording it over the more human majority of the population (we’re not brain damaged, remember ?…).

You just have to open the newspaper to bear witness to the disaster.

One problem psychopathocracies have is that often people are recruited to positions of importance for their psychopathic characteristics and not their actual talent at whatever they are supposed to be doing, which leads to huge inefficiency and irrational, often dangerous situations for the multitudes of citizens unlucky enough to bear the brunt of their decisions.

Terrorism ? Global Warming ? Epidemics ? These pose minimal danger compared to the daily activities of psychopaths in power that happily play the games that start the wars, financial collapses and other societal disasters that effect our lives irreversibly. Not to mention the permanent psychological damage caused to entire populations by their depredations. They are really laughing at getting the general populace to pay for their environmental damage, financial and social parasitism, and genocidal wars. We ignorantly foot the bill every time…

In the same way you judge a tree by it’s fruits, you can judge a society by it’s products.

I think we should have mandatory testing for psychopathic tendencies for everyone in any kind of position of authority. Some very good tests exist – lie detectors do not work on a psychopath. Until that is done, there is a daily growing movement around the world that will point out their every abuse, manipulation or mistake on every kind of media until the situation becomes clear for enough people to change it.

And who knows, just doing that might change the world.


Money and power: a toxic bond

It appears that despite all the horrible things I can say about economists some of them actually agree with me; some of them are even a bit politicaly correct ! Unfortunately (fortunately ?) this one might not be viewed as such, as she is  Samah El-Shahat, Al Jazeera’s resident economist; Al Jazeera being the media outlet that was unjustly smeared by the US administration – even being compared to a terrorist  organisation at one point – for persistantly telling the truth about the war in Iraq, or as close as they could get in those difficult reporting conditions.

Mind you, being smeared as a terrorist propoganda outlet is probably a compliment coming from the Uber-Masters of biased media, the US. Especially since almost everything Al-Jazeera reported turned out true.

Samah El-Shahat sees the world economy from a developping country’s perspective, being a developement economist, so is approaching international banking etc. from an angle not too far from my own. I shall be following her series with interest over the next few weeks, and post here anything worthwhile.

Here’s the first one:


The latest joke buzzword in Finance: oversight

Don’t you get a fuzzy warm feeling too when the word “oversight” is used several times in the same soundbite from some polititian or economist ? It sounds reassuring that some important sounding body is being given the job of watching over our great and grimy financial institutions…

Unfortunately, the bigger the bank, the less the oversight.

If anyone out there still doubts how little oversight exists over the banks that hold the entire finances of powerful countries in their hands, here is a video of  the Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing of May 5, 2009

It would seem incredible, almost funny video if this was not the future debt of countless generations of americans that is being dealt with in such an arrogant, opaque way.

It seems to add insult to injury the federal Reserve is even making interest on the tax payer money used to bail out it’s own institutions.

No wonder US gun shops have broken all their records selling more ammunition over the last few months to american citizenry than ever in history…

Well, it is about time this vampiric system got changed, but it would be nice if it could be done in a peaceful, sensible way rather than the usual bloodbath.

To cut years of world-wide agony short maybe confiscating the assets of everyone involved at the top levels, investing the money in alternative energy and putting all big money wall street types to work replanting the amazon would be a good idea. Unfortunately our governments represent their interests and not ours, so they will prefer to let the world economy collapse, throw everyone in the West into debt-slavery from birth, and starve the third world to death. Sound improbable ? It’s happening as I speak…

The elite probably think they don’t need us peasants any more anyway, at least in such numbers – after all, since the “post war dream” we have developped science and technology enough already for them to all live in health and luxury from now on, with a few servants and all the cheap technology money can buy – the rest of us can be plunged into an impoverished dark ages.

But in stride with the “normalising the unthinkable” process, chipping away at humanity’s very essence, I’m sure a lot of people would ignorantly help them achieve that unspeakable end.

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