Posts Tagged ‘depopulation


Swine ‘flu vaccine or money-making scheme ?

There is so much negative information on the net about the so-called “swine flu vaccine” that maybe this post is superfluous, but just in case some of you still believe that the big pharmaceutical companies are nice guys doing their best to help us, here are some links that might get you thinking:,1518,637119,00.html,1518,637119-2,00.html

I remember distinctly quite a few years ago sitting across the dinner table with a head of marketing of Bayer – one of the German pharmaceutical giants – and asking the man about the effectiveness of his company’s drugs. His answer: we have 3000 products; about three of them work; that is how we make money with the others… He then went on to talk about profits and costs, and looked rather surprised by my shock at the hypocrisy of the whole chemical medicine system. “Hey, that’s business” he said with a big smile. I realised then that I was facing a psychopath who had no concern for the well-being or health of his customers at all – just the bottom line… I have no doubts that he was a valuable asset to his company.

Since then I have met so many people cured of supposedly incurable diseases by (mostly) cheap alternative medecine solutions that I have little faith in poorly understood synthesized molecules to achieve any long term benefit whatsoever for people’s health, outside a few massively mediatised exceptions. On the contrary, I have two friends whose lives have been irrevocably ruined by vaccinations, one of who spent over twenty years fighting legally until a pharmaceutical company admitted it’s mistake. Even then, his lawyers were not good (expensive) enough to force any form of compensation. He can not walk – for life – because of vaccinations he was given while a child.

So yes, I have quite a few reservations concerning the under tested swine flu vaccination that has already killed polish homeless people it was first tested on. When you add to that the – successful – lobbying efforts of pharmaceutical companies to gain immunity from any legal liabilities (in the US at least) due to side effects or any damage caused by the new ‘flu vaccines that will be used in the US the whole thing becomes very sinister. Why would they need immunity from legal action if the vaccine was safe ? On the other hand, if the US government alone is paying seven billion dollars for this fast-tracked vaccination, it is obvious that worldwide huge money is involved. If you add to that the fact that the WHO leadership is composed of pharmaceutical company board-members and other people with a direct vested interest in medical companies, there are no reasons to trust their judgement at all. In addition, if you look at the hugely profitable (for them) fear mongering over SARS and bird flu previously that killed very few people but generated a ton of money for certain companies, it doesn’t encourage much confidence.

Another link that might interest you:

It seems to me that the concern manifested by the WHO about this “pandemic” (only named so because the WHO recently changed their definition of a pandemic to suit the situation – and no-doubt their “sponsors”) is mainly about generating huge profits for pharma companies. According to medical professionals I know, even the vastly mediatised death toll is disinformation – a large percentage of the people who have died had other ailments that, combined with the ‘flu, lead to their deaths – but still far less than your average seasonal ‘flu.

If that was not enough, there is considerable speculation from many health professionals that the three forms of virus contained in the vaccine will only help the swine flu virus to mutate into even more vicious forms that will kill more swiftly.

And I don’t even want to go into Baxter’s supplying vaccines contaminated with live bird flu virus to several european countries a few months ago – theoretically impossible with the levels of bio-security prevalent in vaccine labs. If  they hadn’t done a random test of the vaccine on ferrets in the Czech republic – that all died very quickly – this vaccine would have itself launched an epidemic, and might have combined with the swine flu to make something even more deadly… It’s called reassortment in the medical jargon, and the results are really, really nasty. Bioterrorism anyone ? The only investigations launched at a result of this were by the company itself, which seems very suspicious in an era where every man and his dog is a suspected terrorist, especially when the potential for mass death is so huge…

Check these links:


There are a load more, but that is enough, don’t you think ? If I start talking about ‘flu vaccine “adjuvants” that can leave you paralysed for life I’ll be here all night.

The pharma companies seem to be behaving in a way that could have very negative implications for the human race – and they really do want to make a lot of money.

I’m going to buy a load of organic vitamin C and D, because apparently it won’t be legal much longer (see previous post)…


Healthy food will be made illegal on December 31, 2009

As part of their worldwide power grab and multi-spectrum assault on humanity at the behest of our lovely benevolent global elites, the NGO mammoths – unfortunately far from extinction – WHO and UN created the “Codex Alimentarius Commision” in 1963, in order to ensure the worldwide implementation and policing of universal diet control. Like many other organisations that have almost no oversight (except sometimes by other NGO’s or foundations with vested interests and no oversight themselves) big business took over shortly after the right players were put in control of the commission, and the Codex Alimentarius (CA) guidelines rapidly became a really nasty set of rules favouring corporate profits over the wellbeing of the masses – in fact going so far as proposing rules that will guarantee bad health for all to keep big Pharma happy ! The Codex will be implemented worldwide (at least, in 180 odd countries) on December 31, 2009 unless there is enough legal resistance from the many concerned professionals.

I’ve been reading up on this for a while – there is plenty of info out there because so many nutritionists and therapists of all stripes are utterly flabergasted about the sheer gall these NGOs have in dictating insane behaviour to the world that will – with absolute certainty – reduce significantly the health of the entire human race while benefitting hugely big Pharma and GM food giants.

Here is a good summary of the situation:

I encourage everyone to do their own research on this…

Nutrients classified as toxins ??? Vitamins and minerals removed from food ??? Information on nutrition to be suppressed ??? Irradiation for all foods not locally grown ??? Mandated growth hormone for all cows worldwide ??? Vitamin supplements to be legally limited to tiny ineffective doses… Excuse me, but WTF is this madness ?????

If they had passed this law a few years ago, I would probably be dead, because I survived catching SARS by using massive doses of organic vitamin C (and a bit of vitamin D alongside); in fact I have recovered from 95% of my health problems over my life by boosting my immune system one way or another using healthy means – not any form of chemical medecine.

Many of the directives of CA ban any possibility – actually make it illegal in most cases – of taking care of one’s own health and enforce the synthetic molecular solutions of the pharmaceutical groups while effectively banning a whole bushel of healthy solutions. I’m not at all against people taking chemical medecine when they have a life-threatening disease, but people should be warned that in traditional chinese medecine diagnostics we have found that every synthetic molecule that enters a person affects negatively the liver and kidneys and lowers fertility over time, whatever other effects it has. And there are many, many natural solutions to most ailments out there for anyone willing to do a bit of research.

Well I guess anyone who didn’t believe in the capacity for such organisations to promulgate pure evil will wake up and smell the coffee this time – if the mainstream media actually ends up telling anyone anything truthful about it.

I find it remarkable how a similar modus operandi seems to apply to most of the areas of human need. A “high and mighty” NGO steps in to “help the needy” in whatever area, thus filling a space that sincerely benevolent individuals might have otherwise occupied – and done some real good – and immediately proceeds to be as inefficient and damaging as possible in whatever area they have injected themselves into with a maximum public display of arrogance and the “moral high ground” to provide a smokescreen. I’ve run into NGOs big and small, all over the world and it seems the only 100% honest devoted ones are the kind set up by naive university students – I’ve worked with a few of them and they are easily many times more efficient , cost effective and useful than the big boys despite having tiny ressources. I’ve caught out the others doing everything from fraud and kickbacks to government to eliminate private competition (a lot of that in Asia), to prostitution and human trafficking (remember the UN prostitution rings in ex-yugoslavia ?)

I’ll post in more detail about NGO corruption sometime – it’s not edifying and people should know what these gangs are up to. They include the World Bank and IMF…

I might add that in the contemporary world, NGO’s have more lobbying power on our governments than any amount of voters, and by pretending to represent other people’s interests have an impact on legislation and government action that completely bypasses the democratic process.

People have been conditioned into believing NGOs are good, independant, apolitical bodies when nothing could be farther from the truth. They are often merely fronts for the vested interests of huge foundations, financial groups or wealthy clans. I have sat at a “Save the Children” auction gala dinner in Hong Kong with all the rich and famous clique where manifestly most of the money donated by good caring people went into paying for an absolutely lavish gourmet feast with the finest wines and foods in one of the most expensive venues in HK, for the organisers, their cronies and all their friends. They even hired expensive actors to pretend to be their “humanitarian workers” and spew emotionaly charged stories about the poor children of Africa hoping to raise more money for their parties. Needless to say, it didn’t go down very well when, sitting at a delicacy-laden table with the organisers, I mentioned that any money I wanted to donate would be used more effectively by me buying a plane ticket to a troubled third world country and giving cash directly to the people who would use it in the best way. The return trip would waste a lot less money than their so-called “infrastructure” and maybe more than 2% of the money might end up spent on the poor people it was intended for…

As a final note, I would like to mention two NGOs that are responsible for more deaths this century than just about any other organisation: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that most Americans mistakenly think is part of their government, and  the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) that guides British foreign policy.

And people wonder why voting never changes anything….

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