Posts Tagged ‘injustice


A video of state terror inflicted on the people

David Icke has some funny ideas. I will not condemn him for that. We are all entitled to our ideas, and if they are a bit strange – as long as they do not harm other people – that just adds to the colour of life. At the same time he has a very clear vision of certain aspects of our modern society. The following is a simple video; one of many circulating on the subject of abuse of power by authorities and pain and suffering inflicted on citizens in the so called “civilized” world. The points he makes are very valid, and should be cause for reflection by any person with a modicum of humanity. I’m presuming there are a few left…

Watch this and reflect on the following: What has happened to the “boys in blue” who used to “protect and serve” the people who pay their salaries with their hard-earned taxes ? Why do they wear black nowadays, when black is historically reserved – worldwide and in every culture – for executioners, fascist para-military forces and terror squads ? Is this what they have become ? Draw your own conclusions.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face – forever.

George Orwell, “1984”

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